Worst Buy Ever

iconYou can only imagine how frustrated I have become, with the attitude of businesses today. Some retailers, namely Best Buy have such an inflexible policy toward their customers, I am astonished that they can make any money, long term. My sister and I had a horrible Best Buy experience a few years ago. She took the brunt of their abuse, and hasn't shopped there since. I was a bit more forgiving, and gave them a second chance. Now they have blown that.

My experience started out with my receiving a gift from my mom. She laid out over $100 and purchased the Godfather trilogy for me for my birthday. Last night, I opened it for the first time. I peeled off the cellophane, and opened up the first disk to pop into the DVD player. Right away, I noticed deep scratches in the disc, and thought to myself that it probably wouldn't make it through the movie. I was right. About an hour into the movie, it started skipping, and the audio was jumping around. After about two minutes, it only got worse, and then shut off completely. I removed the DVD from the player, and tried to return it to Best Buy today.

Typically, with product defects, you expect them to just give you an exchange, and ship the old one back to the manufacturer. Nope. I get the full Monty. "Do you have a receipt?" he asks me. I don't and inform him of this. He asks, "Can you get one?" Now, you would think that if had the receipt, or could have gotten one, I would have brought it with me. I told him I couldn't get one, and that it was a gift. He tells me that there is nothing they can do without a receipt.

I ask to speak to the manager, and Lila Sharp comes over. She is the operations manager. She told me the exact same story that her clerk did. "Our policy is 14 days, and we need a receipt." I told her that I didn't open the movie until I wanted to watch it, which was last night. I still had the cellophane wrapper and everything. She informed me that store policy is that she cannot exchange it.

Then, she insulted my intelligence by telling me it was because of copyright law. Lila implied that if they didn't ask for a receipt, people could exchange pirated movies as defective. I think she figured I was part of some underworld crime syndicate, that counterfeits box sets to the Godfather. Apparently, we manufacture not just the disks, but the custom cardboard cases, and cellophane too. Apparently I even went so far as to stick the adhesive promo label on the cellophane, just to fool wayward Best Buy clerks into exchanging it for the real mccoy.

I said "Copyright law? You're telling me you cannot take this back because of copyright law?!" She saw that I wasn't buying that reasoning, so she fabricated another. She told me that I could have had the DVD for six months, and that the damage could be from "wear and tear". I guess there are people out there that watch the Godfather over and over again until the disk wears out. Although they cannot keep track of the receipt, they somehow amazingly manage to keep the cellophane wrapper looking like it came off the box just yesterday.

Lila did give me their 888-BestBuy telephone number, and the hidden option #4, where people can register a complaint. I called and spoke to Kara, who reiterated what the manager had told me, save the "copyright law" excuse. I had thought the incident with my sister was an isolated one, and local to that store only. Today I find out that Best Buy's perceived zero-tolerance policy is that people are presumed to be criminals until they show proof of purchase.

I will give Best Buy one consolation. I do have a bad habit of not opening my DVDs until I watch them. Then again, I think a lot of people are that way. In hindsight, I should probably open all my Best Buy purchases at the checkout counter, lest my miniscule window of return opportunity pass by before I leave the store. I can tell you one thing, as long as I'm stuck with this $100 set of cheap coasters, I won't be going back in there.

Editor's note: In case any Best Buy lawyer stooges are reading this, and don't understand what libel is, every statement I have made is a verifiable fact.

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Steve my family too has had harsh run-ins with the best buy company.

My mother and sister went to bestbuy to make a payment because she forgot about the payment and was closing in on the due date. She wasn't sure she could get the payment in on time. Well, she got in the normal line thinking she could just pay it like that and the clerk was very friendly and told my mom she had to get in the customer service line to make her payment.

So my mom gets in this extremely long line and finally gets up to the front where a young black lady is waiting on customers. My mother hands her the bill and tells her she wishes to make a payment. The black woman very rudely says "you can't pay that here." My mother informed her that the clerk at the registers said she could pay her bill at the service desk. The woman said "Well, you can't pay that here and on top of that, you are going to have to pay a late fee because you waited too long." Almost as if she's judging my mom, and totally being as rude as she possibly could!

Well my mom just said fine and left. Well when she got out to the van where my dad was waiting, she told him what happened. My dad, a guy not to put up with any shit immediately got out of the van and walked into the store. He was greeted by one of the guys who greets people at the front and he told that guy he had a problem. The guy (also a black guy) asked what the problem was any my dad said "That black girl over there was very rude to my wife!" The Best Buy employee interrupted my father and said "Sir, her being black doesn't have anything to do with anything." My dad responded to say "I didn't say it had anything to do with her color, I was just pointing her out so you would know who I was referring to." My father continued to tell the story and got no help from the employee so he asked to speak with the manager. The store manager came over and asked my father why he had to cuss at his employees? Dumbfounded my father said "WHAT?" kinda loud. The store manager then asked my dad to keep his voice down. My dad said "No one has heard me cuss in over 28 years. Don't even tell me I cussed. Absolutely infuriated, my dad stormed out of the building and wrote the president of the company a letter. Nothing has happened from that letter and this was in November of last year.

It is truly a horrible company and I don't care how good of a deal they have, they will never have my business, and my family is the same way.

Posted by: John Mays at June 30, 2003 3:27 PM

They are horrendous, no question.

I wouldn't give up on your DVDs, though. The problem is, you're unlikely to get anywhere unless you do it in writing. Write to the CEO of the company, with cc's to the store manager, the better business bureau, and your state's consumer protection agency (often an arm of the attorney general). Use words like "fraud."

That tends to get their attention.

Posted by: Spoons at June 30, 2003 4:10 PM

Best Buy sucks, I found this out several years ago when they did not even have any idea I had purchased an extended warranty as they had no database as who had purchased one, as I was going to keep track of a receipt for over a year in case my computer went down? No more, they never will get another dime from me.

Take the movies to Walmart and tell them you got them there. They will most likely allow you to exchange without a receipt. No money will be refunded, but exchanges are easy.

Posted by: Tiger at June 30, 2003 10:24 PM

I have not set foot inside a Best Buy for over 6 months (and never will again) because everyone that works there are morons and their policies make no sense!

Posted by: bogie at July 1, 2003 6:28 AM

There is a website called Planetfeedback.com that you may find helpful..Or, at least entertaining. And, John, over at Collinization in Blogspot has a similar Worst Purchase (his name for Best Buy) horror story.

Posted by: Stevie at July 3, 2003 3:13 AM

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