U.S. Finds Nuclear Materials Buried in Iraq

Buried in someone's back yard in 1991?? Wasn't that around the time of the first Gulf War?

If this will be the evidence that supports Bush's claim the Iraqis had a Nuclear Program that posed an imminent threat to us, why not just point back to the Nuclear Reactor that Israel blew up in 1981? What's 10 more years on top of these 12?

And what's 22 years to a Giant Tortoise? Imminent, that's what!

I think the Bush administration was smarter to claim the Iraqi's smuggled the bad stuff to Syria. It fulfilled three key objectives:

1) We didn't have to find evidence.
2) We could freely make war on Syria to free their oppressed peoples.
3) The Bush administration would appear to be resourceful rather than deceitful.

I said back when we took down Saddam Hussein that if Bush would invade and free one more country - any country - I'd vote for him in 2004. The violent liberal in me wants to try Democracy at Gunpoint (DAG). It could work. America is at a time and place in History where we can spread Democracy (or else!) and free the people of the world from Dictators and Repression. I'm not certain however that the President is committed to this vision he himself espoused in an effort to garner support for invading Iraq shortly before doing so.

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This isn't the "proof" we've been looking for yet, nor the basis on which we engaged in war. This is however a sign that Saddam Hussein had no intentions of complying with the UN and that he did have an active weapons program. Which is proof positive evidence that there is yet more to be found. And even more proof positive evidence on why this nutjob had to go. Because he was just gonna start where he stopped as soon as the UN backed off. He was good at what he did, but he couldn't fool Bush.

Posted by: John Mays at June 26, 2003 8:44 AM

Re: "the violent liberal"...

Being a true-blue conservative, and a pro-liberty republican (and a Republican - upper-case "R"), I would oppose that type of left-wing utopian interventionist foreign policy.

As many conservatives, libertarians, Republicans, military leaders, and American patriots have been saying for the past few years, our defense capabilities have been drastically weakened (especially during the Clinton/Gore/Albright admninistration). U.S. Sen. Kay Bailey Hutchinson (R-TX) has been making this point for some time now, as have other conservatives and pro-military, pro-America patriots.

The great conservative blogger Tacitus, who has a military background, has also been making this point for a while, and had a good recent entry on this.

We barely have enough to maintain stability for our present committments (actually, we have less than that), and until this problem is rectified (and that could take some time), we cannot even think of taking on any more right now. This problem is at a critical level now, and if our policies are not amended, things will get even worse.

Posted by: Conservative Student at August 28, 2003 1:21 AM

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