You can't eat Jenny Craig with Mary Kay on your face

iconWhat is: Why can't lesbians diet and wear makeup at the same time??

Now, I've got nothing against gays, but I do disagree with this assertion that women wearing makeup is an "archaic and burdensome sex-based stereotype". Most of the women I know wear makeup for themselves, and for other women. While a man may consider a woman to be unattractive without makeup, it is women who pick at and denigrate each other until they conform to their own silly rituals.

From a purely business standpoint, I've always felt that any employer has the right to dictate a persons appearance or dress code. If they want to act as a representative of your company, and interact with the public, then you have the right to dictate how they appear. It is the same principle that gives us the expression, "He has a face for radio." If you don't like it, go get a different job.

Still, I'm not so certain that the Ninth Circus Court of Appeals is going to agree. It would be interesting if they outlawed such appearance based sexual discrimination. Just imagine the ramifications it could have in Hollywood, if movie producers were no longer allowed to dictate how actresses appear in their films.

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I know quite a few thin and prettified lesbians. But, that just may be a fluke.

As far as an employer dictating appearance, I was stunned to find that there's no specific rule at my hospital about hair color (as in outrageous colors) or facial piercings. I work with no less than 6 nurses with nose piercings (stud in place) and two with interesting hair (half platinum blonde/half shocking other color.) Odd, isn't it? Nursing's supposed to be so conservative.

Posted by: Da Goddess at June 17, 2003 7:45 PM

Great entry title! Yep, that's what's so great about America - you're free to look any way you want to, and employers are free to hire anyone they want to.

Posted by: Beth at June 18, 2003 10:07 AM

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