Major Media Spreads Commie Propaganda

The fundamental tool of Communism is Karl Marx's theory of distribution of resources. Marx said, "From each according to their ability, to each according to their needs." Please keep that in mind while you read this.

The Media Resource Center, which tracks media bias, has been pretty busy lately. With the realization that the Child Tax Credit will only go to people that actually pay taxes, major media outlets have been blaming Bush for leaving poor starving children out in the cold. (emphasis and comment added by me.)

"On World News Tonight, the tax cut surprise. Some of the people who need it most will benefit the least." -- Canadian Peter Jennings on ABC's World News Tonight.

" turns out that a whole lot of people in the country who could use the money are not going to get it." -- Peter Jennings on ABC's World News Tonight.

"One group of taxpayers was cut out of this legislation at the last minute, and that was low-income working families with children." -- ABC's World News reporter Linda Douglass. Douglass later admitted, "Many low-income families do not pay income taxes but are entitled to a portion of the child credit."

"Millions of U.S. taxpayers won't get the rebate they're expecting." -- Jane Clayson on CBS Evening News.

" turns out the tax cut the President just signed will not help many who need help the most." -- Jane Clayson.

"The check may not be in the mail. This family is looking forward to the new child tax credit. But, surprise. Millions of low-income families won't get it." -- Announcer, CNN's Inside Politics.

"Cut out. Why millions of lower-income families may not be getting the help they expected from President Bush's new tax cut." -- Tom Brokaw on NBC's Nightly News. Brokaw also described it as an "embarrassing omission," that Bush left out low-income families in the tax cut.

"I just think it's ridiculous. I can't believe that they would give money to the rich when the poor need it so much. I can't understand it." -- CBS soundbite.
So letting taxpayers keep more of their own money is a gift.

"...critics say many who do not need a tax cut get one anyway." -- CNBC Anchor Brian Williams.
Just what we need, the government deciding who needs what.

"...spokesman Ari Fleischer said since these workers do not pay federal income taxes, though they pay other federal taxes, it's okay that they don't get the tax cut." -- ABC White House Correspondent Terry Moran.
He's referring to payroll taxes. The next big liberal move is to shift social security and Medicare taxes to "the rich".

"Carlesha Remmy [sp a guess] earns just above the minimum wage, the kind of taxpayer the President says he wants to help. But she won't be getting that refund check the President says is in the mail." -- Bill Plante, CBS News.
If she pays taxes, she'll get a cut. The only way she wouldn't is if she's not a taxpayer to begin with.

"...the vast majority of these families go to work every day and are playing by the rules." -- CBS and NBC soundbite of David Harris, Children's Research and Education Institute.
So, I guess the rest of us are lying and cheating.

The MRC also notes that:

The bias even extended to the White House briefing yesterday. NBC's David Gregory incorrectly insisted a "large group of people" won't get "their money." ABC's Terry Moran proposed to Ari Fleischer he should agree with his summation: "I just want to make sure that you are saying that the White House agreed to make the choice to leave these children behind."
Here are some interesting findings in the MRC Cyber Alert:
All but one network story ignored how those making more than $110,000 don't get the higher child credit either and none pointed out how the tax cut bill eliminates another three million families from having to pay any income tax at all.
Remember this, next time someone tells you there is a conservative bias in the media.

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why the hell should people that don't pay taxes get a tax cut? idiots.

Posted by: Samkit at June 3, 2003 8:44 PM

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