More Moore Self-Promotion

If reading David T. Hardy's analysis on Michael Moore's mocumentary wasn't enough to convince you that Moore is a liberal moron, perhaps you'd rather hear it from the horse's mouth. In the LA Times, Moore proves beyond any reasonable doubt that he rode the short bus to school, saying that his only regret on Oscar Sunday was going to church.

To believe Moore, you must believe the following:

  • George W. Bush was not elected President, despite the fact that he garnered more electoral votes than Al W. Gore.

  • Bush didn't get over 50% of the popular vote, and thus doesn't have a mandate from the voters to further his political platform, despite the fact that Bill Clinton was elected in a 'landslide' in 1992 with a mere 43% of the popular vote.

  • The war in Iraq is over oil, and the Bush Administration's oil interests, despite the fact that global oil prices have plummeted, along with oil company stocks.

  • Moore's book sits at number 1 on the best seller list despite the fact that it is number 2. (this is called the Al Gore Syndrome)

  • The fact that Moore's book is number one two on the best seller list means that most Americans agree with Moore's politics.

  • The fact that President Bush has a 70% approval rating means that polls are not as accurate as best seller lists.

  • The majority of the people booing at the Oscars were in fact, booing the booers and not Michael Moore. (no shit, that is what he claims)
Moore also notes that on Oscar Sunday, his thought turned to a homeless man he passed (in his limo) who was begging for change. (He didn't stop and give him any, but at least he was 'thinking' about him.) He also mentioned that his next big cause is going to be the plight of flight attendents.

Category:  Celebrities Unscripted
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You convinced me. I am going right out to buy Michael Moore's book.

Posted by: Michelle at April 1, 2003 10:31 PM

Cool, bring it over and we'll take turns using it for target practice.

Posted by: Ravenwood at April 3, 2003 7:41 PM

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