Gun Grabbers deem .500 Magnum 'Assault Weapon'

I am convinced that gun grabbers know absolutely nothing about the firearms they attempt to ban. Literally days after releasing the Smith and Wesson .500 Magnum, Gun Grabbers are capitalizing on the publicity to further their anti-gun agenda. CNS News reports that one politician is already calling for a nationwide ban.

"It's hard for me to rationalize any particular need or purpose" for the 500 Magnum, said Rep. Danny Davis (D-Ill.). "I think guns are made to kill people. That's my opinion."

"If you live in a place like Chicago, and you know the amount of violence that is perpetrated by individuals who grow-up with the idea that having, handling and using a gun is a way-of-life in terms of establishing yourself on the streets or as part of the culture, then I'm afraid that many of these individuals will, in fact, acquire this weapon," Davis said.

Bend over Danny, and I'll show you wear to stick your opinion. How about we ban moronic congressmen that have more opinions than they do common sense. Besides, Chicago already bans all guns, and we see how well that is working out.

The idea that gang bangers are going to give up their cheap 9's and .38 specials for a .500 Magnum is ridiculous. In fact, the reasons for NOT using the .500 Magnum as a gang-land tool are numerous.

First of all, there is the price tag. At nearly $1000, criminals are going to be hard pressed to get their hands on them. Sure, criminals typically use stolen guns, but they've got to have guns to steal. The $1000 price tag means the .500 Magnum won't be nearly as popular with the public as a cheap 9mm. Those that are in the hands of private owners will probably be locked away with regular hunting gear. It certainly won't be stashed in a night stand drawer, or in the glove box of their car for protection.

Second, there is a slight ammo problem. Ammo for the .500 is not just going to be expensive, it's going to be very expensive. Not only is it a big round, but it's proprietary. The .500 rounds simply won't be produced in the volumes that 9mm ammunition is. Not to mention that it only holds 5 shots.

Third, there is a big concealment problem. At nearly 5 lbs, and with an 8 1/2 inch barrel, the gun is simply too unwieldy to be a preferred firearm of choice for criminals. The .500 Magnum is 15 inches long overall, and won't exactly tuck into your pants too well. Not to mention you'll need two hands to shoot the thing.

Overall, the idea that criminals have been waiting for a powerful handgun like this is stupid. If that were true, criminals would have been using .44 magnums and .50 caliber Desert Eagles already. Instead, smaller, cheaper 9mm's are more popular than both of those firearms.

Rep. Davis is proud of his ignorance in not knowing of any uses other than killing humans. While it is true that more people hunt deer with a rifle than a handgun, there is still a large segment of handgun hunters out there. They hunt everything from squirrels to elephants. Plus, when hunting large game like bears or elephants, stopping them with your first shot is very important. If you go bear hunting with a .38 special, you're more likely to be mauled to death.

(link via Greeblie)

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I think it would be OK to just tuck it in your waistband and let your shirt fall over the stock.

Of course, the girls will all be after you...

Posted by: Bill at February 19, 2003 3:12 PM

I agree completely. I am one that is considering this awesome gun for both hunting and recreational target shooting. I love the .44 Magnum, and can only guess I'll love this new 500 Magnum even more. The stupid politicians against guns never stop to think about the LOGIC behind their words. By the way, hear about that giant bear in Alaska that killed a few men? I heard it weighed 1300 pounds and one of the guys it killed shot the bear with a .38...unsuccessfully.

Posted by: Jon at January 13, 2004 6:25 PM

I totally agree. This Davis guy is a real moron. He obviously knows nothing about the thing he so quickly wants to ban. What a jerk.

Posted by: John at April 10, 2004 6:44 PM

I now own a Smith & Wesson .500 magnum. I love the gun. I can shoot it moe accurately than my Ruger Super Redhawk .44 magnum. Sure the .500 has a kick, and most guys will need to shoot it with 2 hands. I however have larger hands than most and have shot it one handed. As for Gangs or other criminals, I don't think they could stand the shock factor that can be felt in your forearms after shooting 20 rounds or more. Besides, everyone in the neighborhood would here it. Not what criminals want either.

Posted by: Nathan at May 30, 2004 10:17 AM

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