What Would Clinton Do?

I don't know why major media outlets like CNN continue to kowtow to Bill Clinton. Clinton is repeating what democrats have been repeating for the past three months. He feels that the U.S. "should not take action against Iraq without guidance from chief U.N. weapons inspector Hans Blix and the support of Europe." Of course, Korea is still fair game. Clinton says they are the real threat.

CNN didn't provide any statements from Bush 41, Carter, Ford, or Reagan.

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Has anyone heard what Pres. Carter is saying about this situation?

Posted by: Bill at February 14, 2003 11:50 AM

I'm sure Rosalyn hears it all the time.

Posted by: Ravenwood at February 14, 2003 11:53 AM

Why don't we ask, "What would Clinton Drive?"

Other than ME CRAZY, who gives a shit?

Posted by: Acidman at February 15, 2003 12:27 AM

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