Football Play of the Year

Check out this story to find out why a football player is running for a touchdown with nobody on the defensive team trying to stop him.

I'm warning you, it is quite touching. Don't blame me if you get all teary-eyed.

Apparently one coach struck a deal with the other. The player's coach wanted to get him some playing time at the end of the game, but didn't want the defense to cream him. Ahead 42-0, the opposing team's coach told him to go ahead and run it in for a touchdown.

The Herald-Dispatch takes a jab at the prima donnas in the NFL:

Those who play football on the highest levels should take notice.

No pen that Terrell Owens ever pulls out of his sock could write a scene more touching than this.

I am inclined to agree.

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Dammit, Steve! Pass me the tissues. Thanks.

Posted by: Da Goddess at November 15, 2002 4:46 PM

I read that story a week or so ago and thought it was a true example of sportsmanship, especially after watching parents and coaches grow veins in their teeth and damn nearly fight over little league victories where I live.

Posted by: Acidman at November 15, 2002 5:58 PM

Warning: Diverse Opinion Ahead

That's all well and good, but what the hell is a retarded kid doing in class with regular kids. What possible good could come of this PC garbage? Is the whole class supposed to slow down to the retarded kids pace? Puh-leeze!!

Posted by: todd at November 16, 2002 2:00 PM

Todd, it's about kindness. Simple human kindness.

Posted by: Da Goddess at November 17, 2002 12:31 AM

What kind of kindness is actually exhibited by the retarded kids parents, who demand that a classroom full of promising students slow their pace to accomodate the slow kid? And how kind is it to tell a retarded kid: OK, for the next 12 years, 180 days of the year for 8 hours of those days, you have to sit in a classroom with other kids. You won't understand what's going on or be able actually learn anything, just sit there and serve the PC gods.

Posted by: todd at November 17, 2002 2:34 AM

Are we reading the same article? What does them letting him play football have to do with which classroom he sits in?

Posted by: Ravenwood at November 17, 2002 11:43 AM

Jeez, can't a guy go incredibly off topic without getting yelled at? :-)

Posted by: todd at November 17, 2002 11:33 PM

Todd, from what I remember of the article and the comments made about it on the news (and my memory gets fuzzy these days), the retarded boy wasn't actually in classes. He was assigned to run errands for the faculty, and that's pretty much all he did during school hours. So, it didn't sound like he was dragging down any of the academic classes.

Posted by: Steve at November 18, 2002 2:47 PM

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