Southern Pride

Here is an article about Southern Pride that has been circulating throughout the blogosphere over the past week. (Thanks to Joanie for the link.) As someone who was born and raised in Virginia, before moving to Georgia, and then Ohio I must say that I have never been ashamed of my southern roots. Even though I was raised by Yanks, my parents always taught me to be proud of who I was, and where I was from.

As the article points out, racism is everywhere, but only the South seems to get a bad rap for it. In my personal experiences, I have seen much more racism and bigotry in the North than the South, but it is hardly a representative sample.

The point is, that you cannot paint people as bigots simply because they show pride in their heritage. Nevertheless, there are movements to expunge Confederate history, remove memorials, and basically rewrite history. This is in spite of the fact that the Civil War was largely about states' rights and saving the union. It wasn't until late in the war that Lincoln recognized that making an issue of slavery would be useful.

But hey, we can't let historical fact stand in the way of the political correctness movement.

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Thanks much for the link love, Steve! It's greatly appreciated!

This is just gonna chap Acidman's well-tanned hide, though. Can't wait!

Regarding the subject matter: You said what I felt in a way I could not. Thank you.

Posted by: Da Goddess at October 9, 2002 5:59 PM

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