D.C. rejects Heller's gun permit

You'd think that if your application for a permit to own a handgun had the endorsement of the Supreme Court of the United States it would be approved. Indeed in it's majority decision against the District of Columbia, the SCOTUS writes:

Assuming he is not disqualified from exercising Second Amendment rights [ie: a felon], the District must permit Heller to register his handgun and must issue him a license to carry it in the home.
But as Geek notes, D.C. REJECTED Heller's permit because they classify a bottom loading 1911 as a "machinegun".
So, after DC announces all sorts of draconian restrictions, basically throwing every darned obstacle they think they can get away with, including the ludicrous assertion that every bottom loading semi-auto handgun is classified as a machine gun, guess who shows up first in line to register handguns?

You betcha, our hero, Dick Heller. (No doubt, with our other Heroes, Gupta and Levy lurking somewhere in the background)

And what does he pull out and try to register? Daring them to reject him again?

A 1911.

And what does DC do?

The inked up their "rejected" stamp, and stamped it on the application of the man who is the only human being on planet earth with a ruling from the Supreme Court of the United states...

So D.C. is essentially giving the Supreme Court the finger.


I'm getting all sorts of conflicting info. I don't know what Heller brought, but it probably wasn't a 1911 .22LR revolver I don't know if he got the firearm back, I don't know if they inked up the reject stamp, and I don't know if I can trust the press, but some (WaPo) say he was approved.

Why can't they hire one person who knows the heck what they are doing to come and write the stories?

Posted by: Standard Mischief at July 18, 2008 11:37 PM

"Why can't they hire one person who knows the heck what they are doing to come and write the stories?"

Because no one in DC KNOWS what they're doing...

Posted by: BobG at July 19, 2008 12:20 PM

what its all this fuss? the damn constitution still begin violated ;THE CONSTITUTION SAID;U HAVE THE RIGHT TO TO HAVE AND WEAR ARMS;.where on the damn constituttion said that u have to have permit license or tryining?? so the damn suprem court play the finger on mr heller and all of u;the constitution provides this right(own and wear arms) to protect ourselves against bad goverments .wake up people no only u lose this right ,but the right to own property , the right to free travel,and alot of more rights that the constittuion provide for us,but they change with new laws,rules,codes,ordinanzes and bull shit,all the freedom liberty and happiness that the constitution suppesed give us,its going long time ago,because all this politicians and governants and supreme caca courts are violating it day by day

Posted by: chaparrofeogordogachoyorejon at July 19, 2008 2:44 PM
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