Expert Opinion on Gun Control

Newsweek interviews Wayne Lo and asks him his views on gun control in the wake of the Virginia Tech serial killer.

Do you believe that stricter gun control would help prevent such tragedies? The people who do these things are people who don't want contact. They wouldn't be capable of going out there and stabbing people to death. But there's such a disconnect when you're using a gun. You don't even feel like you're killing anybody. . .

What sort of gun control do you propose, then?
Ideally, guns should be eliminated, but I know that won't happen. There should be stricter checks. Obviously a waiting period would be great.

Wayne Lo has a unique perspective on the subject. As Newsweek notes:
Late on the evening of Dec. 14, 1992, Wayne Lo, an 18-year-old student at Simon's Rock College of Bard in Great Barrington, Mass., approached a security-guard shack on the campus and began shooting, as he says now, "at anything that moved." Lo fired at least nine rounds during the following 20 minutes, killing another student and a Spanish professor and wounding four others."
The gun control movement has thus far been unsuccessful in drumming up support in the wake of such highly publicized mass shootings. But it's a bit surprising that they would align themselves with murderers who prey on innocent, unarmed victims in support of their cause.

Via Say Uncle.


Why would you interview a murderer?

Posted by: Mason Weiss at January 31, 2013 4:44 PM
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