Who the hell do you think you are?

iconThis meme courtesy of Countertop.


1. Who the hell do you think you are?
- Ravenwood. It says it at the top of the page. Pay attention!

2. So, other than blogging, what's your job? Do you work at some fast food joint, dumbass?
- No, I'm a manager at a firm working on a Top Secret government contract. I could tell you more, but then I'd have to kill you.

3. Do you have like any experience in journalism, idiot?
- I used to write for my high school paper. Does that count?

4. Do you even read newspapers?
- I'd rather have carpal tunnel syndrome than inky hands so I stick to reading about a dozen newspapers on the web.

5. Do you watch any other news than FOX News propaganda, you ignorant fool?
- Actually, I rarely watch the news at all.

6. I bet you're some moron talk radio listener too, huh?
- One hour per day, during lunch.

7. So, do you get a fax from the GOP each day for what to say, you @#$% Republican parrot?
- Unfortunately the terms of the restraining order mean I'm no longer allowed to have contact with any political parties.

8. Why do you and your blogger friends want to silence and fire everyone who disagrees with you, fascist?
- My favorite hobby is pointing out stupidity, so I don't want to silence anyone. But they usually shut up after a good fisking.

9. Are you completely ignorant of other countries, or do you actually own a passport?
- Actually, I'm quite well traveled.

10. Have you even been to another country, you dumb hick?
- Well, I did live in Europe for 3 years.

11. If you're so keen on the war, why haven't you signed up, chickenhawk?
- I toyed with applying to the Naval Academy out of High School, but it didn't pan out. Also, I considered joining the Army out of college, but the recruiter talked me out of it. Yes, the Clinton years were that bad.

12. Do you have any idea of the horrors of war? Have you ever reached into a pile of goo that was your best friend's face?
- No, but I have held my best friend's head while he prayed to the porcelin goddess.

13. Have you ever reached into any pile of goo?
- No, I said I never worked in fast food.

14. Once again, who the hell do you think you are?!"
- I'm Ravenwood, your worst nightmare... and I'm here to help.

UPDATE: Best quiz answer goes to McGehee: 11. If you're so keen on the war, why haven't you signed up, chickenhawk? I was told we might need people to stay at home and beat up anti-war types, and I thought that sounded like more fun.

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