No good deed goes unpunished

iconGeez, you can't even give a person cookies anymore, without being sued.

Taylor Ostergaard, 17, and Lindsey Jo Zellitti, 18, baked the chocolate chip and sugar cookies one night last July.

They made packages with a half-dozen cookies each and added large red or pink construction-paper hearts that carried the message, "Have a great night."

The notes were signed with their first initials: "Love, The T and L Club."

Then they set off to make their deliveries.

Wanita Renea Young, 49, said she was at her rural home south of Durango around 10:30 p.m. when she said saw "shadowy figures" outside the house banging repeatedly on her door.

She yelled, "Who's there?" but no one answered, and the figures ran away.

Frightened, she spent the night at her sister's home, then went to the hospital the next morning because she was still shaking and had an upset stomach.

The teenagers' families offered to pay Young's medical bills, but she declined and sued, saying their apologies were not sincere and were not offered in person.

At least the judge refused to order punitive damages, and the lady only got $900 for her medical bills. But she sure taught those girls a lesson they'll never forget.

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You can't stamp out do-gooders too early. If only there were a similar way to get at hand-wringers and hysterics before they enter government, some system of fines and jail time.

Posted by: Ron Hardin at February 5, 2005 12:04 PM

That is pure bullshit. The american way now is to sue sue sue sue and sue some more, not right.

Posted by: Catfish at February 5, 2005 3:47 PM

If this frivolous judicial mishap bothers anyone reading this comment as much as it does me, write a letter to the following address (the office which appointed the judge) expressing your concerns and desire that the (inept, incompetent, immoral, unprincipled) judge in this case be stripped of his position. The precedent this ruling represents is completely inconsistent with the moral values and ideal of samaritanship that we should be instilling in our children.

Judicial Performance Commission c/o Steven W. Brittain, District Administrator Sixth Judicial District La Plata County Courthouse 1060 2nd Avenue Room #106 Durango, Colorado 81302

Apparently, you can send the girls a donation via the address listed in this thread:

Posted by: anon at February 5, 2005 3:47 PM

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