VA: Capitol gun ban sparks controversy

iconSen. Kenneth W. Stolle, R-Virginia Beach normally supports gunowners. He is an avid hunter and sportsman, and usually votes against any gun control bill that comes up for a vote. That is why it came as a surprise that he secretly helped put into place a rule that would try to ban guns from the Richmond Capitol building.

Even more surprising is that Sen. Stolle would resort to anti-gun rhetoric when defending his backdoor gun control.

"But nobody can guarantee to me that everybody who walks through that door with a firearm is a law-abiding citizen. The Capitol Police were without authority to even ask questions.

"A convicted felon could come through the front door with a loaded shotgun in his hand, come up to the metal detector, hand the shotgun to the police officer and get it back after he goes through the metal detector."

That's so absurd it borders on paranoia. There are no guarantees in life, even with armed guards in place. And any convicted felon that had it in for Stolle probably wouldn't use the front door.

So, just how dangerous is allowing guns inside the Capitol building? Well, lets look at the last time an incident happened.

...not since Jan. 5, 1866. Capitol historian Mark Greenough said no gun has been fired in the white-columned building since that day, when a feud between newspapermen from two competing Richmond publications erupted in the Rotunda.

One journalist fired his pistol as he ducked behind the priceless statue of George Washington. His intended target returned fire and knocked a chunk of marble off the tassel on Washington's cane. It was later repaired.

That's right, the last gun fight was nearly 140 years ago, and it was between two members of the media. Maybe they should ban reporters.

If Stolle were a regular gun grabber, it wouldn't bother me so much. But his NIMBY attitude reeks of hypocrisy. Especially considering he is opposed to banning guns from libraries and day care centers. I too am opposed, but then I cannot think of any place I would support banning guns. If a privately owned day care center wants to ban guns that is their right. But no publicly owned facility should ever be permitted to deny citizens their freedom.

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