Evacuate? In our moment of triumph? I think you overestimate their chances.

saddam-statue.jpgWith the handwriting on the wall in Iraq, and thousands of jubilant Iraqis celebrating their freedom, the reaction from the doomsaying left has been everything from paranoid to entertaining. While sites like Democrat Underground are filled with conspiracy theorists, others like Snowflake are managed by people that just refuse to see the facts. From her assertion that Iraq will just fuck up a good thing, so we shouldn't have bothered in the first place, to her gushing approval of America hater Robert Fisk, Stacy's site is just disturbing*.

Even more disturbing to me are sites like Iraq Body Count that keeps a running total on the supposed number of civilians killed. Interestingly enough, they rely on such sources as Al-Jazeera for totals, and are reporting incidents as far back as January. Liberals don't seem to care, however, they just take the numbers as gospel. Too bad they aren't counting the number of Iraqis Saddam and his Ba'ath party minions have killed since the war began. It'd be interesting to know how many people were butchered for collaborating, conscripted into military service, or literally used as a human shield to protect the elite cowardly republican guard.

Even the English language Arab News says in an editorial, "Saddam was a dictator and accordingly was hated by most of his people. That they are rid of him is a good thing, and to argue otherwise would be not only foolish, but cruel."** So why then can't some Americans see the light that ruthless dictators are bad, and liberation is good?

*Don't bother commenting there if you disagree with her views. Dissent is not tolerated in snowflake-land, and you will be banned post haste.
**The Arab News hasn't exactly turned over a new leaf. They go on to conclude that the war was still all about oil, and that Bush hatched the invasion of Iraq prior to September 11th.

(photo via Fox News online)

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You're right, this is like a terrible day for Snowflake and Raven. They hate the fact that the Iraqis are actually liberated. They wanted this war to be unsuccessful, and even resort to claiming a person with a pro-war stance is propaganding their perspective. She even said that I was spamming her. Realizing this, I will probably no longer return to her blog, because she has proven herself to be not worth the time or effort in debate. I have given my opinions and facts, and they only ridicule them. Yet, they say they don't believe in the media, unless it is about something that confirms their perspectives. But, when it is something positive for Iraq, "Oh no!" "It can't be true!!"

After about 3 weeks of commenting on her site, I have found that for the most part, it has been ridiculing on their side. These supposed "pagans" are nothing but hypocrites.

Posted by: jay at April 10, 2003 12:08 AM

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