Va. sorry about pep band parody of W.Va.

The University of Virginia has apologized for a pep band parody of West Virginia, that the WV Gov. decried as over the line. The skit in question doesn't seem to be too harmful, and simply included a stereotypical hillbilly girl dreaming of square dancing, and life in the big city of Beverly Hills.

Personally, I think West Virginia needs to shrug it off and learn to beat them on the football field rather than whining about it. A guy could grow old waiting for Virginia's pep band to grow up and tone down their sophomoric hijinks. Attending Virginia's arch-rival, Virginia Tech, I've never put too much stock in their antics which are notoriously brutal. I remember that they would commonly do skits with cows and sheep, poking fun at Virginia Tech's agricultural side. (Like they're too good for steaks and lamb chops.)

Our response was to go out and whip them on the field, especially their home turf; after which, UVA fans would suddenly become interested in women's lacrosse or whatever obscure sport that they happened to be good at.

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Yes, indeed.

VA Tech would whip up on UVA's football team. UVA grads would then drive in their luxury German automobiles to tony restaurants where they could drown their sorrows and be served by VA Tech grads.

Posted by: Guy Cabot at January 2, 2003 7:42 PM

Guy, you are showing your shallow side.

Posted by: Ravenwood at January 2, 2003 8:16 PM

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