Why I hate Liberals...

In yet another example of political correctness/zero-tolerance gone awry, a Sacrament liberal has successfully sued to have the Pledge of Allegiance declared unconstitutional.

Pledge of Allegiance Ruled Unconstitutional

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I hate liberals because they want to destroy my family, oppress my children, take away my beliefs and way of life. They are a scourge on society and have openly declared war on all Christians. Liberal scumbags are trying to keep racism alive by pushing whites down and making minorities think that all white people are out to get them. I hate liberals, along with most every-one I know and we will go to war with the bastards and when they are before the Lord in judgement they will learn the error of thier ways only it will be to late!

Posted by: Truth at December 11, 2003 10:43 AM

i hate liberals they always come in with there stupid attitude that we took away the native americans land so what if we did those jurks don't no how hard it is to get freedom if there acting like there the un shelfish kind then why don't they live with the corn eating bastards!

Posted by: Ted at December 27, 2003 11:46 PM

A time ago there was a type of people called traitors, they were killed in various ways for betraying their nation and helping the enemy, now they are simply called liberals and are allowed to speak their lies freely with a tight control over most of the media (CNN and the New York Times for example). I agree mostly with the post at the top, the liberals are very anti-christian and will become the leading factor in the fall of America, it will happen someday but the liberals are just weaking the country from the inside with their lies and anti-christian attitude. I can not stand political corectness, these liberals must be taken care of or they will take everyone down with them.

Posted by: Carl at January 7, 2004 10:42 PM

I mostly hate liberals because of the hypocrosy. My ultra-lib sister-inlaw dogs me for living in a rural area, and denying my children exposure to other races, yet when her neighborhood began to change all of a sudden public schools were'nt good enough for her kids and they were enrolled into a private (read white) school. Another example, when her purse was snatched by a young "person of color", the words "fuckin' Nigger" rolled off her tongue as smoothly as if she were Mark Furman. There are many other examples of liberal celebrities, and politicians that like to tell us how to live our live our lives, yet their own lives are an orgy of "Me first and to hell with the rest of you!!

Posted by: Steve at January 14, 2004 10:13 AM

I mostly hate liberals because of the hypocrosy. My ultra-lib sister-inlaw dogs me for living in a rural area, and denying my children exposure to other races, yet when her neighborhood began to change all of a sudden public schools were'nt good enough for her kids and they were enrolled into a private (read white) school. Another example, when her purse was snatched by a young "person of color", the words "fuckin' Nigger" rolled off her tongue as smoothly as if she were Mark Furman. There are many other examples of liberal celebrities, and politicians that like to tell us how to live our live our lives, yet their own lives are an orgy of "Me first and to hell with the rest of you!!

Posted by: Steve at January 14, 2004 10:13 AM

The biggest reason I hate liberals is the fact that they are whiney, ignorant, backward, spoiled, snooty, hypocritical MORONS! Not all liberals are but most are. Today I was in an argument with one of these wonderful human beings (I’m not sarcastic at all.) and she starts to go on and on about how illegal immigrants aren’t bad they are just like you and me. No they are not they have committed at least 2 federal offences, so if they are the same as you, you should be arrested you damn liberal scum. Then she started on about how they only take jobs that “we” (the American population) don’t want and wouldn’t ever take. I’m sorry but for 2 ½ years I was a general laborer for a contracting company, then I got fired because my boss could hire 4 illegal immigrants for the same price, so don’t tell me that they don’t take jobs we want, or for that matter have. We have to deal with this problem fast. I have a solution that I have come up with but I’m not going to share is for the matter it may be clamed by others but I’m voicing my opinion and ideas to our government through all means possible. LISTEN CAREFULY YOU SLOW LIBERALS, YOU WILL NEVER TAKE MY GUNS, GAS GUZZLER, MY CIGARETTS, MY FAST FOOD, BIG FLUSH TOILET, OR MY MOMENT OF SILENCE.

RT. Winger

Posted by: Rt. Winger at January 23, 2004 1:19 PM

Well here's why I hate republicans: They call us liberals a bunch of "tree huggers" and "environmentalist wackos". Correct me if I'm wrong here but last time I checked, we were all living on the same planet. How is it that environmental problems only concern the liberals?? I dont know about you but that's a frightening realization to know that half of this country sees all the pollution and destruction we are doing to this planet and the other half is completely blind to it. I mean we're not talking about creationism here. Its a fact. Take a walk in any urban city and smell the air.What's all that mercury in tuna come from? How do the ice glaciers in the north melt? How did skin cancer come about? Do you know what Bush said in the 2000 debates concerning environmental protection? He said " I dont believe we have all the facts to prove that we are solely responsible for global warming." Do you not find that comment insane? Since the industrial revolution we've just been spraying the air with black smoke but global warming has nothing to do with us.....O-kay. you're screwed.

Posted by: karma at February 2, 2004 6:30 PM

I hate people who are against same sex marriage. That accounts for most extreme right winged republicans. They give the most pathetic reasons for why they're against same sex marriage like: "Once gays start getting married, the whole country's gonna go down the tubes."
How so?
rep: "You know, once they start getting married, then everyone's gonna start doin it and its gonna slow down our population."
This is no exagerration. I've heard this from a few people and its beyond pathetic. Its retarded is what it is. First of all, it shows just how homophobic people are in terms of thinking that "everyone's going to be doing it" and secondly it shows just how damn ignorant people are about the world. "SLOW DOWN POPULATION"? The world is way WAY overpopulated as it is! What the@!$?. Not to mention that there's a huge population of kids that are in need of adoption. SO why dont you fascist morons do yourselves a favor and hang yourselves.

Posted by: bill at February 7, 2004 3:43 PM

Ted hates liberals because they talk about how we stole the land from the Native Americans. Why does that upset you Ted? Do you hate blacks because we used them as slaves? Do you hate Jews because the nazi's killed six million of them? What are you trying to say? Look some things are not that easy to digest. I'm sorry if you cant believe that our history is so bleak. I know you want to think that the Eurpoean settlers were so perfect but that's not true. Getting mad at liberals for it only makes you look supid. You're just in denial of your history. I dont know what you're getting at with freedom? Youre making no sense.

Posted by: John at February 7, 2004 3:51 PM

Let's see, where to start...you stick in those two terms "political correctness/zero tolerance" implying the lawsuit was bad because it is an example p-c/z-t ran amok...yet you provide no definitions of either term.

Let's take zero tolerance. Z-t is a bad thing to you, I take it. So I would presume the zero tolerance policy that most civilizations have had toward murder is bad?

And political correctness? What exactly *is* "political correctness" I've seen that term bandied about for twenty years now, but in all that time I don't remember anoyone taking the time to define it.

And then you can tell me how they relate to the lawsuit from the person from "Sacrement." And how you have determined s/he is a liberal.

Please, give me a response on this. You've piqued my interest.

Posted by: Thomas Niksa at February 29, 2004 4:13 PM

fuck all the indians, squanto is'nt real!
i hate liberals there assholes! they bring all these shity kids from oakland, LA, and all that other kind of crap! it's like there trying to make my school into a fucking getto! or something? and dont know why they just leave all the gangs were they came from! they come to my great school, everything was fine until they came in! now you have to wear curtine clothing and become a wigger or your going to get beaten up pretty badly! now tell me if thats freedom! people have the right to were what they want with out getting hurt by sombody!

Posted by: ted at April 7, 2004 9:28 PM

Dear Ravenwood,
In your opening comment you refer to a
"Sacrament" liberal. I think what you meant
was a Sacramento liberal. You should either
learn to spell or use a dictionary, you dimwit.

Posted by: charles odell at June 3, 2004 10:48 AM

I see that you've carved out quite a niche, pointing out two year old typos and name calling. Your mother must be very proud.

Posted by: Ravenwood at June 3, 2004 11:12 AM

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